Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Adjusting Your Focus

I love to capture life's moments on film. It does not require an auspicious occasion: family time, my children's cherubic faces, beautiful weather or information I can't write down or desire to take the time to remember (thanks JMR!). With the convenience of technology whether camera, video recorder, or mobile device, you don't have to miss an opportunity to memorialize your life.

Have you ever experienced a situation where you are determined to take a particular picture but from your vantage point you can't quite get the shot in focus? You zoom in as close as you possibly can, but still have to get up, move in closer, and adjust for you to satisfactorily get the shot? I think this may be applicable to our lives. Although we yearn for achievement sometimes we have to revisit, evaluate and adjust our vision to see it come to fruition.

This is not a comfortable journey. Sometimes when you get up and move in closer while adjusting you may-- albeit temporarily-- "obstruct someone else's vision." Yes, it may be uncomfortable to those within your immediate periphery "to see" when you are focused. But the reality is that the difficulty should be temporary, the people that really support you will either give you that space or be patient with you while you are adjusting to capture the moment.

Another thing about operating "life's camera" is that your view is through a single lens. Experience has taught me that you may find like minded individuals that understand the importance of a "great picture" and want to partner with you on your journey. But ultimately you push the button to capture the moment. It may be unrealistic to have the expectation of sharing your period of adjustment because decisions regarding your direction and achievement are ultimately up to YOU. This doesn't mean that people won't/don't give you support. I think the reality of the situation is that tasks are extremely subjective, and even with them supporting you with all that they have, the impetus is yours alone.

I haven't posted in ages and events and seasons have occurred. I have a list of things I want to be accomplished and this entry is a part of "adjusting my focus". Evaluate and discern if your focus needs adjustment. Please share your reflections and revelations.

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